They say half the fun of Oshkosh happens in the campsite at night.
With 23 camping tours to Oshkosh behind us, we have to agree. The camaraderie of the group, mixing with EAA’ers from all over the USA and the world and the convenience of being right on the airfield you just can’t beat!
Our campsite is situated in a prime position in Camp Scholler on Wittman Airfield. A mere 5 minute walk gets you to the flight line, all tents, bedding and camping equipment are supplied and meals and entertainment are organised. Plus you are right there to take advantage of the night activities EAA lays on – the Theatre in the Woods, the Fly-In theatre and the night airshows.
Showers and toilets are close by, clean and in plenty supply.
We also have electricity power points in the campsite for charging cameras, phones and lap tops. Free Wi-Fi is available in the campsite